Me Gusta Ain' Hartini
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You're so beautiful~07:56
Thursday 15 December 2011

You're so beautiful? Huh? korang msti pelik kan spe pulok yg beautiful di mata bdk nih, lesbo ke apa? LOL. "You're so beautiful" adalah Official Song to drama 'Scent Of Woman'. AAAAAAHHHH~ Lagu nyanyian Junsu oppa mmg menyentuh hati. So, yg beautiful tuh suara my oppa lah! Today birthday dia 15/12/86! Den da wish dah tepat pkol 12 mlm dkt twitter dea ~
Wohoo, hope susuu oppa baca mention from all his fans. :D
saengil chukha oppa, be happy and keep smiling. DBSK aktf,  cassie believe in you oppa. ^^
Ohh, and this is the english translation lagu tuh. Penuh bermakna for me. It's like lagu nih tuk den.haha! perasan pulok. bialahh ta salah berangan, mcm korang ta pernah berangan kannnnn. booo :P

[ENG TRANS] Lyrics of "You're so beautiful" by Kim Junsu (JYJ from DBSK)

I am crying now looking into your eyes,
I am crying looking into your heart,
I want to hold you in your bitter smile forcing yourself to bright,
That foolishly beautiful dreams and clumsiness of you.

Day by day images of you create memories,
I remember you delicate hands and your tousled hair.

[Forever you] You're so beautiful ~
It washes in, seeps in, closes into my heart even you spreading wounds,
[Forever you] You're so wonderful~
Your painful love and your tears wipe away my painful wounds.

I love you, I love you.

Now I want to embrace you,
Who were wandering at the end of this cold world alone.
Day by day [I hope] my love comforts your heart,
Hold my memories in your broken heart.


I love you, I love you.

Don't forget [it] even for a second,
Remember how much, how much I loved, for you.


I want to lives by memories of you.


Haaaa, menusuk kalbu kan lirik dea. (>o<)
Hope you guys tengah menangis skg, Lol, ta pe, me too lahh.
Jum nangis sme2. hohoh (ToT)~
Den berangan ade someone nnyikan lagu nih tuk den. Awwwchak. msti cho cuwitt kan. hahah.
Berangan ta sudah si Tini nih, aigooo, but yup. I hope my 'berangan' nih will become true. Hohoh Tolonglahh, i just hope someday someone will sing this song just for me. >w< kekeke~
Dahlaa, kang korang igt den nih desperate pulok. I'm not desperate YO! I'm just DAYDREAMING~ ahhh, lalala~ ;3

*p/s : klo korang na dgr lagu nih pegilah search di YT a.k.a YOUTUBE. haha, now now!!, lagu nih mmg best! FOR SURE, TRUST MEHH. xP