Me Gusta Ain' Hartini
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Dbsk/Tvxq/Thsk Forever 5. AKTF! ^^08:36
Monday 30 January 2012

K. Jsyk, Aku minat Kpop sejak tahun 2006 lagi. Time aku darjah 4. Muahahaha.Kakak aku bagi virus dan aku terimanya dgn hati terbuka. Lol xD
And, FIRST boyband yg aku kenal. ----> DBSK.
So, fandom pertama aku join adalah 'CASSIOPEIA' a RED OCEAN fandom. wee~
Jadi ppepon tolonglah jgn na banding2kn DBSK dgn mana2 boyband yg baru. Sebab? Duhh sbb dorang da jadi legend dlm kpop history k. and i got this ayt from twitter GeeJo unnie. Dia tweet, "  Miss Cassiopeia! 

DBSK is a rookie group? ah. your idol once only a trainee when DBSK debuted. TAKE THIS!"
and one more tweet from the same unnie that l've retweeted "DBSK is a rookie group? take a look. some of your idol being an artist because want to meet DBSK! EAT IT UP!"
Jadi? Haaa amekmu wahai peminat2 kpop yg ta kira lama atau baru. Jgn ssekali kau na bandingkn oke? and IDGAF if korang ta minat DBSK or kpop at all. Janji jgn menyibuk. Tolong guna kepala otak dan mindamu yg cergas. Semua org ada minat masing2, kena hormat and please faham. so, peacecheckitout YO. lol.
Ta dahh~. let me intoduce you, jeng jeng jeng. My oppa. 5 oppa utamaku ^^

Yeahh, i know i know, dorang sangat kacakkk. xP
k, now for the list. In DBSK i fall in love with Shim Changmin. Mana 1? hee.
Let's checkitout again k. lololol.

1. Shim Changmin <3 my no.1 bias from 2006 till now.

Yahhh! dah sudahh, TERover pulok post gmba Changmin. Sume comel2 belaka. Omoo, he's mine k. :P
anddd, next up is no 2 oppa+scndal in Dbsk.

2. Kim Junsu

3. Park Yoochun

4.Kim Jaejoong

5.Jung Yunho

Teehee. done~ ^^
Dbsk forever 5. <3
Dbsk tidak pernah disband. NEVER. Dorang still meneruskn krjaya mereka yg skrg ini, digelar Homin and JYJ. Even, dorang ta slalu brsme skang, 2;3 syarikat lain2. tapi hati dorang? WILL BE ALWAYS A DBSK MEMBERS.All Cassie always believe no matter what happens that someday our oppa will be comeback as DB5K. They will, WILL comeback. Just keep our faith k. AKTF! DBSK jjang!